The End


The Second Act of Three Tries: The End is an ethnographic durational multi-media sculptural performance within the larger Three Tries – Two Act exhibition. Centered on the journey of a Queer nonbinary individual in the Baptist Christian South, the exhibition meticulously explores the reclamation of the body, identity, and space. Drawing parallels between the Christian Holy Trinity and Freud's psychological trinity, The End isolates the id, unraveling its intricacies. GETSAY pushes artistic boundaries, blurring lines between art, memory, and reality through a dynamic and immersive durational performance. The artist uses their body as a narrative vessel, skillfully navigating their identity and provocatively challenging societal norms, creating a profound exploration for the audience.

The End begins as I enter the gallery of Echo Contemporary Art. I am wearing the same sweatshirt and sweatpants from The Beginning, as if no time has passed between the two performances. With my childhood mattress strapped to my back I drag my body through the gallery.

Three Tries: The End Performance, still, 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photographs by Audrey White.


A Book for self-resurrection is the guide I made for my reentry into the padded room I was placed within when I was institutionalized. I wanted to rewrite my memory. It is a culmination of all my research and the tactics I hoped would allow me to separate my id, ego, and superego and ultimately exist as my id for 24 hours. 

The guide is broken down into these sections:

1. Define your id, ego, and superego

2. Extract your ego from your psyche – so you are left with only your id and superego 97

3. Exist as ½ id ½ ego, not simultaneously but separately

4. Take out superego and exist as id 5. Satisfy your id and exist purely as id for 24 hours

6. Reflect

7. Define what you want to bring back

8. Create a reentry plan

For Three Days I lived off of this book.

Three Tries: The End Performance, still, 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photographs by Audrey White.

Three Tries: The End Performance, still, 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photographs by Audrey White.


Three Tries: The End Performance, still, 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photographs by Audrey White.


Three Tries: The End performance capture., 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photograph by Tyler Brantley

Three Tries: The End performance capture., 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photograph by Markiesha Thornton.

A Manifesto for my 11-year-old ego, 2023. Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, Ga. Photograph by Travis Dodd.

1. Educating yourself is the only way out, the way we justify our existence

2. Your art is your way to escape, don’t stop making

3. There will always be someone watching you, you decide what they see

4. There is no way to ever know if you are doing it right, There is only doing what gives you purpose

5. The people who support you show up for you, fuck everyone else

6. The pain is temporary, the feeling is forever

7. Sometimes everyone needs to be held and told it will be okay

8. You can’t always see the change in the moment often it appears much later

9. Be gentle with yourself - take moments to rest

10. Existing is Enough

A Manifesto for my 11 year old ego